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Located just north of the city of Ensenada in Baja California in Mexico a now deserted building is all what is left of Casa by the Sea which was a prison style boarding school run by a group of people from Utah.

Here outside any regulation by the authorities in the United States, parents could imprison their children, so they could enjoy the freedom of being empty nesters prematurely. There is no number to the dreams crushed at young people who never got to enter college because their college funds were used to lock them up.

For what. Often for nothing. Many blended families meant that some parents just were looking for an oppertunity to start over kicking the product of their past relationships out of their lives.

In 2004 it was over. The authorities in Mexico was tired of the reputation of being a dumping place for everything which could go wrong at American families. A raid soon discovered illegal medication of the teenagers imprisoned there.

The teenagers were freed. Some not to freedom unfortunately because they were transferred to other similar prison-styled boarding schools. Some kicked out into the street just because they turned 18. A convicted murderer Michael Perry started his criminal career after his release from Casa by the Sea ending with his execution for a murder where the blood evidence actually only was found on the clothes of the key-witness the police let go due to her family connection to the local police but that is another story.

No one knows how many young teenagers who got their lives crushed at Casa by the Sea. More than 500 were staying there when the authorities closed it down. Are the place haunted now where it has been empty for some years? We do not know. Even with the view of the ocean none seems to be willing to rent it or buy it so it can be redeveloped into something meaningful.

Some of the posts to come are testimonies from former prisoners. Judge yourself whether you believe it is haunted.

Tag(s) : #Mexico, #Ensenada, #Baja California, #WWASP, #boarding school
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